Patient-centered medication management in concert with care
Our patient-centered solutions combine powerful technology, validated patient data, and expert clinical pharmacists with high-touch outreach strategies. This ensures proper medication utilization, improves adherence, reduces hospitalizations and readmissions, and improves health outcomes.

Reduction in readmissions during transitions of care
Patients served with Medication Management Services and software
States covered with licensed clinical pharmacists
Comprehensive medication management that follows high-risk patients across the continuum of care
Validated and up-to-date patient medication data on-demand
Timely access to a patient's validated and comprehensive medication history during care transitions or within a care setting can significantly improve outcomes.
Team-based intervention led by clinical pharmacists
Our team of expert pharmacists and medication care coordinators offer comprehensive medication management and personalized recommendations to the care team, promoting continuity of care and a better patient experience.
Condition-specific risk frameworks for high-risk populations
By optimizing medication management for chronic diseases, we can prevent disease progression and help patients remain in the most cost-effective care setting possible – their own homes.
The InConcert Medication Management™ (ICMM) platform enables high-touch cost-effective medication management
ICMM provides comprehensive medication management, patient relationship management, and automated outreach protocols to engage patients and improve outcomes. By utilizing artificial intelligence and process automation, our platform eliminates labor-intensive data handling and validation, targets high-risk patients, and creates medication action plans that increase throughput. This allows pharmacists to add value at the highest level of their licensure.
Rely on best possible medication history
ICMM automatically imports medication claims and other medical information from disparate sources and harmonizes data across various standards. This ensures current and accurate medication information at the start of every process, eliminating the need for manual data assembly before review.
High-touch outreach at the right time and place
Our predictive analytics target "at-risk" patients with timely outreach and provide evidence-based medication action plans to the care team with just one click. Longitudinal patient records are readily accessible to streamline the process, enabling timely and efficient patient outreach.
Customer defined inputs and outputs
InConcert doesn't just handle all your data needs, but it can also manage your in-house work queue priorities. The platform is fully configurable for provider and patient facing output requirements, depending on the care setting.
Get to know our solutions
Our integrated solutions serve both payer and provider organizations, ensuring timely and accurate medication information for patients to reduce care gaps, hospitalizations, and readmissions. Discover how we help patients better manage chronic conditions by linking medication management with continuity of care.
Medication reconciliation at transitions of care
Effective medication management is crucial for keeping patients at home and reducing the risk of readmissions. However, care transitions can cause medications to fall through the cracks, putting patients at risk. Meanwhile, providers face the ongoing challenge of avoiding penalties for patient readmissions within 30 days of release. ActualMeds solves these problems by ensuring a patient's complete medication history follows them as they move between care settings, providing comprehensive medication management at every stage of care.
Medication management for chronic disease populations
Proper adherence to medications can prevent hospitalizations in individuals with chronic conditions. By optimizing medication regimens based on specific conditions and regularly monitoring patients in the community care setting, such as at home, we can help avoid acute care episodes.
Adherence / STARS management for medicare advantage plans
Improve your STAR ratings and deliver better patient outcomes with ActualMeds' patient-centered medication management services. Our platform outperforms the industry in improving Medicare Part D plans' ratings and we can help you address data and process gaps to improve program ROI.
Complete medication management for long term care facilities
ActualMeds provides end-to-end medication review services to ensure compliance for skilled nursing facilities. With increasingly stringent government regulations, our technology-enabled services make best practices affordable and help facilities demonstrate higher quality of care and performance in a competitive market. From post-acute care admission to discharge to home, ActualMeds offers comprehensive medication management services to keep patients safe and healthy.

Connecting payers and providers with their high-risk chronic disease patients
Keep more patients at home and out of the hospital
With InConcert Medication Management (ICMM), we offer condition-specific pharmaco-therapeutic management and periodic patient monitoring to support your programs targeting chronic disease populations. Our services consistently outperform the industry by improving STAR ratings for Medicare Advantage plans, while reducing the risk of hospitalization or readmission due to poor medication adherence.

Expand your team with Pharmacists on Demand
With the power of the ICMM platform, ActualMeds pharmacists can ensure a seamless transition of care for your patients, from an acute care episode to rehab or home. Our team provides a thorough medication reconciliation at discharge, which is the most important time to ensure the success of the care transition.

Keep more patients at home and out of the hospital
With InConcert Medication Management (ICMM), we offer condition-specific pharmaco-therapeutic management and periodic patient monitoring to support your programs targeting chronic disease populations. Our services consistently outperform the industry by improving STAR ratings for Medicare Advantage plans, while reducing the risk of hospitalization or readmission due to poor medication adherence.
Expand your team with Pharmacists on Demand
With the power of the ICMM platform, ActualMeds pharmacists can ensure a seamless transition of care for your patients, from an acute care episode to rehab or home. Our team provides a thorough medication reconciliation at discharge, which is the most important time to ensure the success of the care transition.